Monday, March 2, 2015

Business update!

The building as it is now.
Since we successfully moved from Beechwold to Clintonville, we have seen a marked increase in foot traffic an expect that trend to continue, especially when the Clintonville Farmer's Market, which takes place outside our door, starts. We are blessed!

We have started making the new building our own- the inside has been painted, new flooring installed, and we had a utility sink installed as well. We are getting a dishwasher for sterilization hooked up in the next week.

Our corner sign, so people know where to
turn to find us. Isn't it lovely?
When the weather improves, the outside of the building will be painted, we will get new awnings, and the rest of our building signage will go up. We even have beautification projects planned that include murals, raised beds of flowers, and mosaics by local artists!

We are also teaming up with more instructors this year, giving more to charity and the community, and joining more farmer's markets to expand our reach. Lily has started writing a regular column for Fit magazine (her first article, on bitters, is available here).

We will be expanding our efforts to bring you medicinal seeds and seedlings from local growers this spring and have started to create a line of tools for herbalists (starting with our percolation cone set for tincture making). Our tonic club already has regular members and the offering there are expanding and changing with the seasons.

Now is the time to expand our product offerings, too and make our store more meaningful to herbalists and herb enthusiasts alike.

The apothecary looks even better now.
So we are seeking a silent partner. A small investment in the business will allow us to get more product lines into the shop, get a permanent bookkeeper, expand our essential oil offerings (arguably already the finest lines in the city- now we need to carry more oils in the lines!), and get some more signage and retail furnishings to make the shop grow and develop.

I have created a simple plan that I can show interested parties that asks for a 5K investment in return for 15% of the business. At the end of two years, if both parties are amenable, more of the shop can be purchased (and revenue shares begin). Conversely, if we wish to part ways, the initial investment turns into a loan with pre-defined re-payment terms. Either way, an investor is helping this unique business grow at a crucial time without losing the initial investment.

Are you interested? Email Lily for the partnership agreement and to set up an appointment to talk!

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